On 6th October 2017 Center for Social Research Analitika organized an event with an aim to present pilot-report “Monitoring of judicial response to corruption in BiH”, as an initial publication in a planned series of regular annual reports focusing on the same topic. 

Professor Andy Miah, Chair in Science Communication & Future Media at the School of Environment & Life Sciences, presented a strategic approach to social media and other web-based tools in research promotion and development. Video from the event is now available online.

Amar Numanović's presentation at the thematic session on the emigration of the population in the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

More transparency, better monitoring of public procurement processes and improved legal framework are necessary for improvement of the public procurement system in BiH - it was concluded at the Round table held today in Sarajevo to mark the end of the EU funded project “Open Public Procurement in BiH”. 

Second annual conference of the Coalition “Equality for All” entitled Fight against discrimination: Do we have adequate mechanisms? was organized by Center for Social Research Analitika and its coalition partners aiming to contribute to understanding of key concepts and activities as well as challenges of establishing efficient antidiscrimination system in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Expert debate Importance and purpose of public procurement monitoring in Bosnia and Herzegovina organized by Center for Social Research Analitika was held on 30th of May 2016 in Mostar. Topic of this expert debate was importance, ways of implementation and effect of monitoring public procurement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Focus will be on discussion about range of aspects of monitoring public procurement in BiH and role that stakeholders from government and CSO's play in it.


“Public service media in the region of Western Balkans share similar problems. The biggest problem are continuous and systemic political pressures evident in the way management is elected, in the modes of media funding and the program content”, researchers in seven countries of the region established.